How to apply NOC online?



Are you worried about how to apply NOC online? You may also be wondering if there is an online portal to submit your application? What is the procedure to apply for NOC online? What are the documents required to apply for NOC online?

YouTube Video: Step-by-Step NOC Online Tutorial

These are the questions most of us have in our minds before applying for NOC. The process to lodge your NOC online application isn’t that complicated. If you follow the step by step guide mentioned below in this article, you would be able to obtain your NOC letter in Nepal online.

Most of us are still unaware of NOC. Why and when should you obtain NOC?

Let’s understand, what is NOC and who should apply and obtain NOC?

What is a No Objection Certificate (NOC)?

NOC is a letter provided by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology to all Nepali students who have finished their degree in Nepal or abroad and got an equivalency certificate from Nepal and intend to continue their studies overseas.

If you haven’t obtained an equivalence of your foreign degree, click here to know the step-by-step procedure.

Why do you need to obtain NOC?

You applied to universities abroad and got accepted in one of the programs you applied for and successfully received the offer letter. Now, to accept and move forward with the offer letter you need to pay the fees mentioned in your offer letter to a university abroad. 

One of the most common ways to transfer your fees from Nepal to abroad is to do a SWIFT transfer via one of the commercial banks. The bank will demand NOC with you in order to transfer your fees to the university.

Therefore, having NOC means two important things

    • A person who is entitled to the NOC letter is not on a government-provided scholarship, and the government has no issue with them travelling overseas to study on university-provided scholarships or with fully paid tuition.
    • You have the legal right to send or pay your tuition fees in foreign currency to a foreign university for educational purposes

Since you understand what NOC is and why you need to obtain NOC. Let’s look into the documents you may need to apply for NOC online.

Documents Requirement for NOC online application


      • Copy of Certificate of Nepali Citizenship (clearly visible on both sides), Transcript and Certificate of Educational Qualification one level below the level for which NOC is required for study, Letter mentioning the name of the university to be studied, subject to be studied, total duration of the study program etc. i.e your Offer Letter or Acceptance Letter.
        (नेपाली नागरिकताको प्रमाणपत्रको प्रतिलिपि (दुबैतर्फ स्पष्ट बुझिने), जुन तह अध्ययनका लागि NOC माग गर्ने हो सोभन्दा एक तह तलकाे शैक्षिक योग्यताको प्रमाण-पत्र, अध्ययन गर्न जाने विश्वविद्यालयको  नाम, अध्ययन गर्ने विषय, अध्ययन गर्ने जम्मा अवधि आदी  उल्लेख भई हस्ताक्षर समेत भएको पत्र |)
      • To study for a Master’s degree in Engineering or above, a certificate of registration with the Nepal Engineering Council (NEC) is also required.
        (ईन्जिनियरिङ तर्फ Master वा सो भन्दा माथिको डिग्री अध्ययन गर्न Nepal Engineering Council (NEC) मा दर्ता भएको प्रमाणपत्र समेत पेश गर्नुपर्ने छ |).
        If you haven’t applied for the Nepal Engineering Council license yet click here for the step-by-step procedure.
      • To study MBBS, you have to submit the Eligibility Letter of the Medical Education Commission and the proof of passing the Entrance Exam.
        (MBBS  अध्ययन गर्न  Medical Education commissionको Eligibility Letter र Entrance Exam उत्तीर्ण प्रमाण समेत पेश गर्नुपर्ने छ |)
      • To study MD / MS or similar, you need to submit a certificate registered with the Nepal Medical Council (NMC) and an Eligibility Letter from the Medical Education Commission.
        (MD/MS वा सो सरहको विषय अध्ययन गर्न Nepal Medical Council (NMC)मा दर्ता भएको प्रमाणपत्र र Medical Education commissionको  Eligibility Letter समेत पेश गर्नुपर्ने छ |)
      • The Medical Education Commission’s Eligibility Letter must be submitted to study all subjects registered with the Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC), including BPH / MPH.
        (BPH/MPH लगायत Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) मा दर्ता हुने सम्पूर्ण विषयहरु अध्ययन गर्न समेत Medical Education commissionको  Eligibility Letter पेश गर्नुपर्ने छ |)
      • To study Bachelor / Master subjects from Nursing to Nursing, one has to submit the certificate of registration of Nepal Nursing Council (NNC) and Eligibility Letter of Medical Education Commission.
        (Nursing बाट Nursing तर्फका Bachelor/Master विषयहरुको अध्ययन गर्न Nepal Nursing Council (NNC) को दर्ता प्रमाणपत्र  तथा Medical Education commissionको  Eligibility Letter समेत पेश गर्नुपर्ने छ | )
      • Generally, NOC will be issued only in the educational programs where the study period is at least 2 years at diploma level, at least 3 years at the undergraduate level and at least 1 year at postgraduate level.
        (सामान्यतया डिप्लोमा तहमा कम्तिमा २वर्ष ,स्तातक तहमा  कम्तिमा ३ वर्ष र स्नातकोत्तर  तहमा कम्तिमा १ वर्ष  अध्ययन अवधि भएका तथा अध्ययन पश्चात स्तर निर्धारण हुने शैक्षिक कार्यक्रमा मात्र NOC जारी गरिनेछ।)
      • Keep in mind! If NOC is demanded without the above-mentioned documents or if more than one application is made on the same subject, further requests will be rejected.
        (माथि उल्लिखित कागजपत्र विना NOC माग भएमा वा एउटै बिषयमा एक भन्दा बढी निबेदन गरेमा थप निबेदनहरु अस्वीकृत हुने व्यहोरा सम्बन्धित सबैमा पूर्व जानकारीका लागि अनुरोध छ |)
      • You should visit with the original certificate (including a set of notarized copies) and the documents related to admission to the Foreign Study Permit Branch at Keshar Mahal and once documents are verified in Room No. 3, 4 and 5 you can receive your NOC from Room No. 6.
        (NOC बुझ्न आउदा सक्कल प्रमाणपत्रहरु (एक सेट Notarized Copy समेत ) र भर्ना सम्बन्धी कागजपत्रहरु साथमा लिई केशरमहल स्थित वैदेशिक अध्ययन अनुमति शाखाको कोठा नम्बर ३, ४ र  ५ मा रुजु गराई कोठा नम्बर ६ वाट पत्रलिन सकिने छ |)

I assume you have a fair idea of all documents you need to apply for the NOC online application now.

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MOEST) has now made it simple and easy to apply for a No Objection Certificate (NOC). Let’s look into the procedures to apply for NOC online through the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology NOC online application portal.

Steps for NOC Online Application


Visit the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology website for NOC. Click here to visit. You will be greeted with a homepage with the option to apply for NOC.

NOC online homepage

Enter your mobile number and hit proceed.

Enter OTP(One Time Password) from your mobile phone’s message box and click on the Proceed button. Click on the Resend button if you don’t get a message within 2 minutes.

Now enter your password, confirm it and click on the submit button

NOC online password

Verify your email address and click on the request token.

Open Email and enter the email verification token from your email and click on the verify email.

Fill in all the fields and upload documents and click on proceed.

NOC online - personal details

Add your passport details and click on Confirm.

Select your previous academic country.

Select your previous Academic level, when selected faculty or stream will appear on the screen and select your stream.

academic level

Select the country Name from the list in the dropdown menu and the list of colleges will be seen on the screen.

Select the college or university from the list.

Select Level of study, Stream/faculty and the subject you want to apply to, select self if you’re applying yourself or select consultancy if you are applying from consultancy and click on proceed.

[Note(only if college, university, subject of your choice ): click on Request New. Type your University name, level, faculty/Stream name subject of your choice and click on request.


Else click on Proceed to apply for your NOC and a success message will appear on your screen.

After submitting your online NOC application successfully, you will be notified of the status or outcome of your application through E-mail. If your application is successful, you must submit the application costs by bank transfer.

The day and time of NOC collection will be informed via E-mail. You need to visit Kaeser Mahal and collect your NOC.

I hope this article will help you to obtain your NOC. Good Luck!


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